Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Welcome to a gateway for critique

With this new gateway, created by our friends in the CompApp Department of the CICS, we hope that we can reach out to more of our colleagues within Saint Louis University as well as to others who are also in the quest for substantive changes within our workplace. Indeed, this perspective of a university - as workplace - needs to be highlighted in as much as its more visible image as a center of christian value formation and academic excellence has been used more than often as a facade to the grimmer realities of the life of salaried workers, both faculty and non-academic personnel. We live in critical times, after all, and have to contend with harsh economic realities as well as face up to the challenges of emergent socio-political imperatives. So on with our crusade.

For starters, let us aim our sights at our own organization and have ourselves a contemplative TRUE or FALSE quiz:

1. An officer of the Executive Board, pressed to run during the last elections only as a foil to a committed and dedicated candidate, has distinguished her stint at the board with an unblemished record of CHRONIC ABSENTEEISM (True or False?)

2. There was no bidding conducted for the purchase of the UFESLU Christmas Gift (True or False?)

3. The Executive Board DISREGARDED AND OVERTURNED without consultations the decision of the Board of Sectoral Representatives on what gifts to purchase (True or False?)

4. The blankets were overpriced at PhP112.00 per blanket (True or False?)

5. The Treasurer was not involved and was even pressured by other officers to release the check for the gifts which was also made out "to cash" (True or False?)

6. The expenditures for the last UFESLU general assembly are still unliquidated to date (True or False?)